Former LCA Athletic Director taken into custody until sentencing.

Sentencing submissions were heard today for Aaron Benneweis, a former athletic director of Legacy Christian Academy, located in Saskatoon, SK. Benneweis plead guilty to sexual exploitation and sexual assault of a minor.

The victim, Jennifer Beaudry, read her victim impact statement to a packed courtroom.

“I will forever be unable to take back the innocence you stole,”

“I hope you feel disgusting. I hope your heart is pounding. I hope you feel like you want to throw up. I hope you never really want to look in the mirror again,”

“Aaron, I hope I’ve gone from your biggest fantasy to your worst f—ing nightmare,”

Jen Beaudry

Afterwords, Benneweis addressed the court.

“I pursued her. It was wrong on so many levels.”

Aaron Benneweis

Benneweis’ lawyer offered Jen $10,000 on behalf of Benneweis for therapy costs.

“The victim and the Crown actually found this offensive that someone would think that they would be able to, as it appears, buy their way out of or reduce their sentence by making that offer,”

Crown prosecutor Sheryl Fillo

Prosecutor Fillo also noted that the one letter of support for Benneweis, was the former Athletic Director of Legacy Christian Academy and former colleague of Benneweis, Dr. Greg Gallon. The judge was made aware that this was in fact a former colleague that he had received counselling from, and not an independent 3rd party.

It also came to light that a risk assessment of Benneweis had not been done in Alberta.

Jen looked on as Benneweis was lead away in handcuffs.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him take any kind of accountability,”

“I didn’t really think this day was going to come.”

Jen Beaudry

Sentencing will happen on January 18.

Jen Beaudry addresses the press after court.

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